
Welcome to the gallery of the Spring Creek PTA Reflections entries!

2014 theme: "The World Would Be a Better Place If . . ."

Entries were judged on Interpretation of the Theme, Artistic Merit, and Mastery of the Medium, following these National PTA guidelines: "Mastery of the medium refers to the level of skill the student demonstrates in the basic principles and techniques of the arts area. However, a well-developed concept is more important than technique. Entries should be judged primarily on how well the student uses his or her artistic vision to portray the theme." Blind judging was conducted, meaning that judges did not see the artists' names, but received the entry, title, and artist statement.

Sincere thanks to our judges, who willingly contributed their professional expertise and gave careful, thoughtful consideration to each entry.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Erin Allred - Willow Tree

Visual Arts
7th grade
Spring Creek Honorable Mention  - 2013

"The children in this tree believed they could do something and did it.  By following their dreams, they inspired others to do so."

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